Books and More Books

I have enjoyed seeing others’ reading plans and possibilities and listening to recent podcast episodes from The Literary Life and Close Reads where the hosts shared their favorite (and least favorite) books from the past year. So, I thought I would share my categories for the 2022 Scholé Sisters 5×5 challenge with the books I’m reading or thinking of reading for each category. I will again be doubling it to to a 10×5 – ten categories, five books in each category – and I don’t consider myself bound to complete only what’s on this list. If you have any recommendations, feel free to comment!

The Church

Church history is my main focus here, as well as acquainting myself with a branch of the Church I am not familiar with (Eastern Orthodoxy).

Augustine & Aquinas

I’ve read about these two great men and seen them quoted in the works of Lewis, Pieper, and others, so I think it’s time I actually learn more about their lives and read what they wrote.

  • The Confessions of Saint Augustine – it’s taken me a few months, but I’m now over halfway through and past the autobiographical part and into the philosophy. His tangent into memory and forgetting has me bemused and wondering where he’s going, but I don’t mind. I have a thing for first-person narratives (I guess I like getting inside someone else’s head 😉 ), and this 1,600-year-old one is no different.
  • On the Road with Saint Augustine by James K.A. Smith – more of a modern application of Augustine than actually about him, but good so far.
  • On Christian Teaching (or Doctrine) by Augustine – I’ve heard good things from the Scholé Sisters, so I’m hoping to get to it.
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas by G.K. Chesterton – Chesterton on Aquinas sounds fascinating, and it’s included in my Audible membership!
  • Aquinas’ Shorter Summa – despite the title, this still looks intimidating on my shelf, and we shall see if it lives up the advertising of being something that “non-scholars can understand”. 😀


I hope to read at least one book by Plato or Aristotle this year, along with more Pieper and a couple of 21st century authors.

Christian Living

Lots of options here, of course. 🙂

Modern History

Ordo Amoris

This category was inspired by a recent Scholé Sisters podcast episode and is for books about areas that I need to grow in but don’t want to devote a whole category to.

British Lit

Hopefully I’ll have a mix of new-to-me and re-reads here:

  • Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens – the current selection for my local book club – we didn’t even finish the first section during our first discussion! I’m actually kind of glad I watched the BBC series years ago because I have at least a vague idea of what’s going on. 😉
  • Hard Times with the Literary Life podcast
  • Persuasion by Jane Austen – haven’t read it in a while
  • Perhaps another novel by Elizabeth Gaskell or George Eliot
  • A Shakespeare play or two


I’ve just finished another Brother Cadfael mystery, The Devil’s Novice, and really enjoyed it. I have some ideas on my Goodreads to-read list, but I’ll probably just read or listen to some at whim throughout the year.


And that leaves one category undecided: World Lit, Science Fiction, Tolkein/Inklings…? I guess we’ll see. 🙂

Editing to add: I’m thinking I’ll do a “Trippy” Novels category, and include some science fiction, time travel, and maybe some Tolkein (The Fellowship of the Ring).

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