Wednesdays with Words: Permanence and Progression

The first time I read The Roots of American Order by Russell Kirk was back in 2012 when Cindy Rollins hosted a book club on her blog. I ended my brief Goodreads review with the following statement:

This is a book I want my kids to read at some point during their high school years.

Well, I blinked, and now my eldest is in 9th grade and has started reading The Roots of American Order – and I am going to try to keep up with her. 😉 I think it will be interesting, having read several of Richard Maybury’s books (Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, Whatever Happened to Justice, and currently Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused?) to compare and contrast Kirk’s and Maybury’s viewpoints.

I have a feeling I’ll also be adding a lot of quotes to my commonplace this time through, starting with some from the first chapter:

…we must have permanence in some things, if change is to be improvement.

Permanence and progression are not enemies, for there can be no improvement except upon a sound foundation, and that foundation cannot endure unless it is progressively renewed.

Also read/listened to this week:

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