31 Days of Tackling the To-Do List: Painting the Living Room

We have wanted to paint more of the walls around here, but put it off due to indecisiveness about the color and because it’s not an easy job! But with the living room carpet about to be replaced with laminate, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. I didn’t even need to put down drop cloths! I used 3M Patch Plus Primer to fix as many of the dents and uneven spots as I could, although once I started painting I saw more that I missed (sigh). Mr. D helped by taking off the outlet covers and taping the screws to the back (a tip I got from this great tutorial).


I did tape over the top of the baseboards, but was able to remove any drips later with rubbing alcohol. We decided on the color “Back to Basics” from Lowe’s.


Then the real work began. I always find painting along the ceiling the hardest, and haven’t found a better method than just to paint very slowly along the top of the wall with a small brush. I’ve tried paint shields and a special tool that is supposed to give a perfect edge, but I couldn’t get it to work (probably me, not the tool πŸ˜› ). I used a roller on the rest of the wall. I wished I’d removed the curtain rods, as just taping around them didn’t result in the neatest job. But we’ve had trouble with curtain rods and the drywall here, and I didn’t want to mess anything up. I also should have taped around the windows – I did the second one after seeing the mess on the first. Thankful for rubbing alcohol again!


So that was how I spent this past Labor Day. πŸ™‚ You can get a peek at how it turned out tomorrow when I share about the new drapes. πŸ™‚


One Response to 31 Days of Tackling the To-Do List: Painting the Living Room

  1. I can relate. I taped the window frame in my room, and I still got paint on it! Thankfully, wall paint comes off vinyl windows quite easily.

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