The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Monday, November 16, 2015

Join The Community ~ November
For Today… 
Outside my window… a grey November day.
I am thinking… about education as an atmosphere for the CM study group tonight.
I am thankful… for the improvements in narration I have seen in D and E this year!
I am wearing… floral tee, grey skirt, sweater.
I am creating… (well, already created) a grocery list for hubby.
I am going… to a concert later this week – excited!
I am wondering… about the practical implication of “education is an atmosphere”. Sometimes it seems easier to describe it as what it isn’t rather than what it is.
I am reading… caught up on my Winston Churchill listening! Still behind in Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves...
I am hoping… the bug a couple of kids had last week is gone – seems to be.
I am learning… about Queen Elizabeth I with E and A. 🙂
In my garden… got it cleaned up on Saturday, yay! And Mr. E helped me rake some leaves, too!
In my kitchen… baking Gingerdoodles for tonight soon.
In the homeschool room… last week before Thanksgiving break!
A favorite quote for today… “I would rather my child had a limited curriculum and access to limited educational resources, and yet learned by basking in the atmosphere of someone who had true pleasure in the books that were pursued, than that he should go to some well-equipped and soulless situation where, theoretically, he could “learn” at optimum speed.” Susan Schaeffer Macaulay, For the Children’s Sake
A peek into one of my days… reading about quails and manna in The Child’s Story Bible. 🙂
One of my favorite things… learning with my children!
Post Script
I have found a general six-weeks-on, one-week-off year round homeschool schedule helps prevent burnout, for me and the kids. Mystie at Simply Convivial has an excellent post, The Secret of Year-Round Homeschooling, which explains the whys and hows of this practice.
Hosted by: The Simple Woman

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