2015-2016 Homeschool Plans: Personalizing the Curriculum

book3Ambleside Online has been a good fit for us because it has the right balance of structure and flexibility for my personality and our family. I don’t do well trying to plan everything out myself – I need a starting point. On the other hand, I want the freedom to occasionally substitute a book that I feel is important for my child to read for the one AO has scheduled. Here are a couple of changes I’m making this year:

  1. Both my husband and I are Canadians, so I want my kids to learn at least some Canadian history and geography. I asked my sister for recommendations for Miss A this year, and she suggested The White and the Gold by Thomas B. Costain. It is the history of the French exploration and colonization of Canada, and fits perfectly with the time period covered in Year 8. Miss A will read a chapter a week instead of AO’s scheduled books (I’ll add Kon-Tiki to the free read list), and do some map work along the way.  I’m looking forward to reading it along with her!
  2. Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman is a book that made a deep impression on me as a child. I remember reading an excerpt or preview in a kid’s magazine and ordering the book, which I still have. She was a brave, strong woman whose story I want my kids to know. So Mr. D will read Freedom Train instead of one of the biographies AO schedules in Year 5. He will also be reading about George Washington Carver, so that’s two famous African Americans he’ll be introduced to. 🙂

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