31 Days of Great Reads – Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

  During the month of October, I’m posting brief reviews of some of my favorite books from the past couple of years: those that really touched my heart, gave me a new perspective, taught me something, or were just plain fun. Hopefully you will be inspired to add something to your to-read list. 🙂
  I am most definitely an introvert, which means that I need time alone to recharge. That can be a challenge in a family of seven! Reading Quiet was validating, though I did not agree with everything she said. This is what I posted on Goodreads in June 2012:
 I could almost give this five stars if I didn’t disagree with some of the assertions/conclusions made (Jesus was charismatic and crowd-pleasing??). I think if I could have read it as a teenager I might not have so many personal hang-ups, I would have known I was normal, and I would have had some tools to help me cope and stretch myself without so much anxiety. I have been told I needed to “come out of my shell”, struggled with what seems like an overly-sensitive conscience and am often exhausted and prone to headaches after socializing. Now, I know that am a “highly sensitive introvert”, with all the blessing and difficulties that entails. Highly recommended for helping those of us who are introverts understand and accept who we are, and for anyone who wants to better understand this personality type.

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