31 Days of Great Reads – The Roots of American Order by Russell Kirk

  During the month of October, I’m posting brief reviews of some of my favorite books from the past couple of years: those that really touched my heart, gave me a new perspective, taught me something, or were just plain fun. Hopefully you will be inspired to add something to your to-read list. 🙂
  The Roots of American Order is a big book, and it was good to read it along with an online book club back in 2012. It helped keep me going, even when I got behind, and the blog posts and discussion of the other ladies involved was helpful. Here’s what I wrote on Goodreads:

Kirk does a wonderful job of tracing the various religious, philosophical and historical influences that shaped American order, both moral and social. I particularly enjoyed the biographical sketches of men like Solon, Hooker, Burke and Lincoln whose strove to uphold order in their lifetimes. This is a book I want my kids to read at some point during their high school years.                  


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