Outside my window…it was perfect snowman snow earlier.
I am thinking…Well, I’m definitely a “P” (see explanation here). I didn’t decide on the next poem to memorize, Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins, until our pastor read it during his sermon yesterday! We listened to the recording of it on the Poetry Foundation website during Morning Time. 
I am thankful…the kids had fun outdoor time today.
In the kitchen…roast chicken and veggies. Mmmm…
I am wearing…purple tee, jeans, comfy (purple!) slippers πŸ™‚
I am creating…a bullet journal! I think this will be perfect for me – one place for all of my jumbled thoughts and plans. πŸ™‚ The index is genius! My favorite reads on bullet journaling are at, Stone Soup for Five, Zoot and Aprons ‘n Pearls.  I’m excited!
I am going…to art co-op on Thursday, not sure where else…
I am wondering…if I can get the Charlotte Mason study group started without going crazy. πŸ˜‰ Making decisions that involve other people is very stressful for me!
I am reading…well, listening actually, to As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride by the Man in Black himself – fun!
I am hoping…to get some listening in tonight. πŸ™‚
I am looking forward to…more good reading and listening this week, and discussions with my kids.
I am learning…about England after William the Conqueror.
Around the house…hubby put up some pegs in the basement for hanging wet winter clothes. Hopefully that will help relieve the chaos that ensues when the kids come in from playing outside.
I am pondering…how to best utilize my bullet journal. Lots of options!
A favorite quote for today…”Education as paideia is not preparation for life, for college, or for work; it is our inherited means of living fully in the present, while we grow in wisdom and in grace, in conscience and in style, entering gradually into “the good life.” Norms and Nobility by David Hicks
One of my favorite things…going back over the quotes I’ve written down in my commonplace book. πŸ™‚
A few plans for the rest of the week: piano lesson, art, parkour.
A peek into my day…Miss A took these. πŸ™‚

2 Responses to

  1. So many good things here. I was going to look up that poem and didn't. We're going to memorize PS 24 as our next long passage. Same source πŸ™‚

    The bullet journals look cool. I'm not ready to pull the trigger yet.

    I can't wait for our CM group. Do what you can. No stress!

    I want to read As You Wish. And N&N. And I love going back through my commonplaces. πŸ™‚

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