Learning to Love the Home I Have: While I’m Waiting

homebuttonIt feels like things are on hold here. The store messed up our order and didn’t deliver the moulding pieces along with the laminate, so we have to wait some more. We are supposed to start school next week, and I was really hoping the floor would be done and I could have things generally put back in their places. Now it looks like we’re just going to have to start, despite the chaos.

There are still many things I can do while we’re waiting, though, and I need to focus on those and pray for patience. 🙂 Reading Love the Home You Have has been an encouragement to think about how our home can be a reflection of what is important to us and also a welcoming place to others. And she has some things to say about all those piles of stuff that tend to accumulate in various corners:

So, one of the things I can do while I’m waiting is to consider whether all that stuff I’m transporting from one room to another is really necessary to keep, or if we would be better off without it. For example, all those CDs I pulled off the shelf yesterday – most of them never get played, because iTunes and Amazon and Pandora are just more convenient. And perhaps Mega Blocks and Duplos are a bit of overkill. 😉 Maybe some of the scrapbooking supplies in my closet that haven’t been used in years need a new home (although I have been finding alternate uses for some of the paper – more on that in October). I’m brainstorming ways to have “a place for everything, and everything in its place” as well, and trying to be creative with what we have already. It probably will be a bit quiet around here this month, but I’ll be writing posts for October as I finish projects. There is a lot to be done, but I’m excited to see how it will turn out!


3 Responses to Learning to Love the Home I Have: While I’m Waiting

  1. I really enjoyed that book too! Seems we have a lot in common (except I’m old enough to be your mom). I love hearing about your projects!

  2. Oh dear, I have those piles everywhere while we’re waiting to get our laundry finished but I just don’t have the where-with-all to do anything about them. I’m trying to finish some Patchwork & quilting projects & that’s about all I can get my head around at present. I know if I actually finish something significant it will inspire me to tackle the nuisance stuff.

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