Nature Notebooks: Shagbark Hickory Sketches

  So last week I mentioned nature notebooks were an area that I really needed to improve in. As in, actually starting them! I’ve made half-hearted attempts to get the kids doing something from time to time, using pre-designed pages I found online, and I think Miss A made a few sketches in a blank book when she was in first or second grade, but that’s about it. Over a year ago, in a fit of inspiration, I bought four “Nature Sketch” books, but they languished on the shelf – until today. The weather was warmer, warm enough to sit outside for a bit anyway. We read about shagbark hickory trees during Morning Time in The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown-ups, and as we have a shagbark hickory tree in a corner of our yard, I decided that we would sketch it this afternoon. We all just used pencil, and I was pleased with the results, and the pretty good attitude the kids had about it. 🙂
E, age 7
D, age 10
A, age 12
  As you can see, we drew from different perspectives: Miss A and Mr. E were sitting right up near the tree, and only drew part of it. Mr. D and I sat further back and sketched the whole thing. Well, mine was more of an “impression” as there were so many branches and twigs I could sit there forever trying to draw it all. 😉 It really does make you pay attention though!
See more examples of Charlotte Mason-style “Keeping” here: 

3 Responses to Nature Notebooks: Shagbark Hickory Sketches

  1. I find it *so* difficult to draw whole trees–like you said, I try for an "impression," but mine never end up looking quite right. That said, I always step away from the process with a better mental image of the form of that particular tree–and that is the important part, right? 🙂 All four of you guys did a great job! Thank you for sharing.

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