Scholé in Our Home: How My Husband Facilitates Restful Learning

Seeing as it’s Valentine’s Day, I thought I would share some of the ways my sweet husband has contributed to our homeschool which have helped me worry less and have more time and energy to do what I do. Several times people have said to me, in reference to homeschooling, “I don’t know how you do it!” But I don’t do it all, and so I want to give credit where credit is due.

Scholé of Intent: Hubby is a research scientist by profession and has taken a special interest in our children’s scientific studies. He has done several science programs with them over the years, including The Elements: Ingredients of the Universe (he’s currently on the third time through it with Mr. E). This year, he’s completely taken 9th grade science off my plate by scheduling, overseeing, and grading Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physical Science for Miss A, which is a huge blessing!

He has also read several of Miss A’s school books over the past year or so, and she can then narrate and discuss them with him. We have three kids in three different years of AmblesideOnline, so even between us we don’t pre-read everything, but every little bit helps!

Scholé of Method: Between my struggles with driving and the stress of taking little ones to public places, I haven’t taken the kids on many field trips myself. So I am very grateful that hubby is willing to sacrifice some of his Saturdays and occasionally a vacation day to take us – or some of us – to the science center, art museum, a presidential home, or other place of interest. He has also used vacation days to stay with the kids while I attend homeschool conferences, like the AmblesideOnline retreat the other summer. And he enables me to host the Charlotte Mason study group each month by taking the kids out of the house on that evening.

Scholé of Practice: Hubby will often take the kids out for a bit when he knows I need a break. He also backs me up and enforces consequences when someone has not been cooperative. And I appreciate the little things that show he is interested in what we’re learning at home, like sending me the link to a very cool Iliad map yesterday. 🙂

I post this with some trepidation because I know every family is different, and not every husband can be involved in homeschooling in the same way or to the same extent. I don’t want to cause comparison and discouragement. But I also know I could not do this on my own, and one of the biggest ways God has enabled me to homeschool is by giving me a husband who is able and willing to be involved. If He is leading you to homeschool he will enable you too, whether that is through your husband or through other means (although I think at the very least a husband and wife need to be in agreement about homeschooling). In a recent Circe Institute podcast, speaker and homeschooling father Andrew Pudewa shares examples of how dads can participate in the education of their children and gives some good advice to wives who would like their husbands to be involved but don’t want to nag them into it. It’s a good listen for husbands and wives alike. 🙂

2 Responses to Scholé in Our Home: How My Husband Facilitates Restful Learning

  1. My husband is a big part of our homeschool too, not so much in terms of hands-on teaching actual subjects but in supporting me with days away and evenings out with CMing friends and in making sure I get time for quiet thinking, reading, and planning. I have friends whose husbands read CM and engage in weekly discussion with them, and I have friends whose husbands do what you describe — take over a subject or two and take a more acting teaching role. I think all these ways that husbands can support their homeschooling wives are wonderful and needed! Thank you for sharing the role your hubby plays — I enjoyed reading about the team you are! Very sweet and a wonderful tribute to him. <3

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