Tag Archives: schole

Scholé in Our Home {April 16, 2016}

Scholé in Our Home {April 16, 2016}

ScholĂ© of Intention: We finished (well, mostly finished) Term 2 this week. There are a few books to catch up on during break week, but that’s one of the benefits of having those weeks. 🙂 Our regular pattern of six-weeks-on, one-week-off works most of the year, but Term 3 is going to be interspersed with VBS, church camp… Continue Reading

Scholé in Our Home {March 5, 2016}

Scholé in Our Home {March 5, 2016}

ScholĂ© of Intention: The connections just keep coming as the kids and I read our Ambleside books! Mr. D thought it was pretty neat that I read him the same Longfellow poem about Florence Nightingale that had been quoted in his reading from Abraham Lincoln’s World the other day. Justice and social responsibility continue to be… Continue Reading