Wednesdays with Words, on Thursday


I’m late, but I came across a quote in The Awakening of Miss Prim which I thought fit in with the rather educational-themed WwW that Dawn has this week. ๐Ÿ™‚ So far, I think this is a book that many homeschooling moms might find quite delightful. The following is an explanation by the niece of Miss Prim’s employer on how he approaches books with his students.

“We know lots of parts of poems and stories by heart – it’s the first thing we do with all books,” said Teseris in her gentle voice. “He says it’s how you learn to love books; it’s got a lot to do with memory. He says that when men fall in love with women they learn their faces by heart so they can remember them later. They notice the color of their eyes, the color of their hair; whether they like music, prefer chocolate or biscuits, what their brothers and sisters are called, whether they write a diary, or have a cat…” […]

“It’s the same thing with books,” continued Teseris. “In lessons we learn bits by heart and recite them. Then we read the books and discuss them and then we read them again.”

It reminded me a bit of our approach to the Bible, poetry and Shakespeare, and I liked the idea that memory and love go together. ๐Ÿ™‚

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