Wednesdays with Words – Stay Right Where You Are

Some of our current reads…
Miss A: She is devouring the Harry Potter series – she decided to give them a try again. She’s also almost through the Tripod series by John Christopher.
Mr. D: He’s enjoying another Stephen W. Meader book, T-Model Tommy (he read Bulldozer earlier this year). (I don’t think I paid quite that much for them – I didn’t get them on Amazon.)
Mr. E: He is enthusiastically making his way through the Boxcar Children books, just finished #4. We have all the books actually written by Gertrude Chandler Warner (19). We’ll see if he gets through them all. 🙂
Mr. L: He asked to read Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site before Quiet Time today.
Mr. R: He likes short board books like Where Is Baby’s Mommy? but can’t quite get through Corduroy. 🙂
  I’m doing ok with Robinson Crusoe, The Birth of Britain, and Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (great book, by the way), but have fallen behind with The Brendan Voyage (and don’t even mention the Venerable Bede…).  But I recently came across A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Created to Live, saw that my library had a copy, and am now about a quarter of the way through. If it continues as good as it is so far, I may be buying a copy. 🙂 Here’s a passage I added to my commonplace book:

What makes us come alive goes deeper than what we choose to do in our professions and our free time. What makes us com alive is life, and this life is Jesus. Painting, cooking, parenting, calculating, and conversation all have the potential to hold within them a mystery and an expression of our life in Christ. This is the kind of art that combines the outward work of our hands with the inner workings of the soul and spirit, woven together, whole and complete and equally important.

Like the tree that grows where it’s planted, we need not launch a search party to discover who we are. Stay right where you are, as you are, complete in your identity as an image bearer, and reach up your arms to God, reflecting his glory with your life. 

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