Winter 2021 Morning Time Plans

Morning Time is getting off to a slow start this term, but I think writing out my plans here will help me clarify things. 🙂

Bible & Catechism: We’ll continue reciting and studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism using Training Hearts, Teaching Minds. I don’t like the modern version of the catechism used in the book – we use this one for recitation. We’ll also memorize Psalm 4.

Hymns: While I may quibble with some of the selection in the new Trinity Psalter Hymnal, I really appreciate the range of hymns from ancient to modern. We sang a lovely one by Christiana Rossetti in church recently that I’d never heard before: None Other Lamb; as well as one by Thomas Aquinas: Zion, to Thy Savior Singing. I’ve even found a few written or arranged by a couple of ladies I knew when I lived in central Pennsylvania and our little RPCNA church had a joint ladies’ Bible study with the PCA church there! Today I came across one from the 15th century: O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High! and decided to do that and the much more recent In Christ Alone for our February and March hymns.

Poetry: We’re reading the Poetry for Young People collection of Walt Whitman’s poems, and I think we’ll learn O Captain! My Captain! It’s probably a bit easier to memorize as it actually has a rhyme scheme, unlike most of his poetry. 😉

History & Geography: We are continuing to read Answering the Cry for Freedom and Window on the World.

Artist Study: Just ordered prints of John Singleton Copley’s paintings from A Humble Place (I told you we were off to a slow start 😛 ).

Music Study: We’ll listen to the music of the Russian Nationals, but I may stretch them out longer than Ambleside suggests. Definitely more Borodin – his In the Steppes of Central Asia and Symphony No. 2 are some of my favorites! ♥

Plutarch: We’re currently reading about Alexander the Great.

Nature Study: We’re learning quite a bit about common backyard birds from The Bird Feeder Book.

Fairy Tales: I’m taking a break from Shakespeare in Morning Time – Mr. D and I are reading Othello this term, and E and L are doing Romeo and Juliet at co-op. We start the week with Music Mondays, so I thought we might end it with Fairy Tale Tale Fridays, at least for a term or two. To go along with our Russian music (and because I’ve wanted to buy it for a while 😉 ), we’ll start with the beautifully illustrated Koshka’s Tales.

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