2015-2016 Homeschool Plans: Overview

Although we school year-round, with a general six-weeks-on, one-week-off schedule; we take longer breaks when necessary, and we’ll start many new things in August and September. We’re currently in summer mode, what with VBS and vacation in Canada the past few weeks, and summer camp coming up next week. But even though we have three more weeks of our current “school year” to finish up, and more summer to enjoy, I’m thinking about new stuff. 🙂 I have ordered most of the books already (my favorite part), but there are still details to be ironed out. I thought I would share my plans and the why behind some of the curriculum decisions I’ve made (a few things are still undecided). I’m not a fancy planner – my unofficial homeschool motto is KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), because I easily get overwhelmed. But it is helpful for me to write down all those plans and ideas floating around in my head. This post is an outline of what each of my school-age children will be doing in the 2015-2016 school year.

Miss A
Bible: She’ll continue working her way through Starr Meade’s The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Study. She will also read several devotional/theological books this year, including Mere Christianity.
Math: She’ll finish up Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra and start Algebra 1. She seems to be doing well with this program, supplementing with help from dad and Kahn Academy when she gets stuck.
Latin: Sigh, Latin. She did Visual Latin for a year or so, Latin for Children Primer 1, and part of the first level of Latin Alive. She’s not enjoying it, and I haven’t been much help (Latin is one of those overwhelming things for me). So, as kind of a last-ditch effort, I’ve signed her up for the live Lingua Latina class taught by Dwayne Thomas. He’s a fun teacher, he’ll do the grading (which I’ve sadly neglected), and he knows the language and can answer her questions. I’m really hoping this class will help her gain confidence, learn to love (or at least enjoy) Latin, and give her hope that she can master a language.
French: This got dropped early this past school year (again), but I still don’t want to give up on it. I think we’ll stick low-key (Latin will take up a lot of time), and have her use the Duolingo app several times a week.
Grammar: This will be low-key as well. She’s almost done Our Mother Tongue, and then I’ll have her read and discuss Eats, Shoots & Leaves.
Writing: I’m undecided if I should just continue written narrations or start The Lost Tools of Writing. I’m afraid it might be biting off more than we can chew. I may also look at Brave Writer again.
History: Ambleside Online Year 8, which covers 1400-1688. This looks to be a challenging but interesting year!
Geography: I’m veering from AO’s schedule to include some Canadian history and geography – more on that in another post.
Government, Economics and Citizenship:We’ll follow AO’s schedule here, which includes the rather intimidating Utopia!
Literature & Poetry:AO’s recommdendations here, too, including The Betrothed, which I am especially excited to read. I’m hoping we’ll read/listen to all of Paradise Lost, not just the scheduled Book 1. She’ll finish up The Grammar of Poetry course, as well.
Science:AO’s new science for Year 8 looks great, and I think we’ll do it, or at least some of it. I’m just trying to figure out how it’s going to work heading into high school with credits and such. It seems like just using a textbook would be easier, but I’d hate to miss out on all those great books. I’m hoping to get some more direction at the Ambleside retreat in a couple of weeks. Miss A will also be on a First Lego League team again this year.
Nature Study: I’m thinking of reading through Keeping a Nature Journal with Miss A instead of the AO scheduled read.
Logic: We’ll read and discuss The Thinking Toolbox this year, because we are enjoying The Fallacy Detective, and because I’m not ready to tackle How to Read a Book  yet. 😉
Art & Music: She’ll continue reading The Story of Painting, join our Morning Time artist and composer studies, attend Art with Friends, and take singing lessons.
Physical Education: Parkour class!

Mr. D
Bible: He’ll continue to read through the Bible and narrate to me as he goes. 🙂
Math: He’s expressed a dislike for Teaching Textbooks, but I’m not convinced he would be happier with anything else. If we continue with the program, he’ll be doing TT 6.
Latin:He’s not a fan of this, either, on lesson 20-something of LFC Primer 1. I think we’ll try Visual Latin, seeing as I already have it…
French:Dulingo for D as well, unless he’d rather listen in on E’s lessons.
Grammar:Grammar via Latin, and maybe something fun (Grammar Island?).
Writing:He’ll continue writing several narrations each week, as well as copywork to strengthen his cursive skills.
History: 1800-1914, as covered in Ambleside Online Year 5.
Geography:The Orient and The Occident as seen through the eyes of Richard Halliburton. I’m looking forward to reading this along with him!
Citizenship: Plutarch with Miss A and I, which he enjoys in spite of himself. 😉
Literature & Poetry: Following AO’s schedule, which includes Oliver Twist – I may assign this one as an audiobook or Daddy read-aloud. 🙂
Science: I’m excited about AO’s selections, as I think Mr. D will be inspired by the stories of inventors and their inventions! He will also participate in the First Lego League.
Nature Study:Hopefully this will be more consistent…
Art & Music: Morning Time composer and artist studies, Art with Friends, and piano lessons.
Physical Education: He’ll continue learning parkour.

Mr. E 
Bible: I’m going to have him read through The Child’s Story Bible on his own this year, as an overview before reading the real thing. I think he was only a baby when we read it to the older two.
Math: He loves Teaching Textbooks, and is currently halfway through TT 3.
French: He will do The Learnables on the computer – it’s quirky and fun. 🙂
Grammar: I’m thinking he might do Grammar Island along with D…
Writing: Copywork, transitioning to cursive.
History: The Renaissance and Reformation, as covered in Ambleside Online Year 3.
Geography: He’ll be reading about and mapping the travels of Marco Polo.
Literature & Poetry: He gets to read/listen to Longfellow’s Hiawatha this year. 🙂 I’ll do some of his Lit selections, such as The Princess and the Goblin, as read-alouds with everyone.
Science: AO added a new book this year, A Drop of Water, which I’m looking forward to using. Unfortunately my copy, which was ordered weeks ago, has not turned up yet…:(
Nature Study, Art & Music: See above. 🙂
Physical Education: Soccer and parkour
And, God willing, many more books, field trips, and real-life learning opportunities!

One Response to 2015-2016 Homeschool Plans: Overview

  1. Looks like a wonderful year ahead for you. We are also excited about the new school year. School books are arriving, and they all look so interesting – I am resisting the urge to start sooner than we planned. 🙂

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