The Simple Woman’s Daybook for May 30, 2022

For Today
Looking out my window…actually, I’m sitting out on the patio while typing this – my favorite place to be in the spring and summer, despite the bug bites.
I am thinking…of how to savor these summer months. No VBS for us this year, and even though it’s only a week, I’m thankful to not have to worry about it (for several reasons!). We’ll still have some school until mid-July, but even there I think we’ll cut back where we can.
I am thankful….for Miss Aria and a lovely day celebrating her 20th birthday last Tuesday. She had breakfast in bed and I surprised her with a big bag of 20 gifts, ranging from a package of Slim Jims to a new dress (which wasn’t actually in the bag). Her fiancé spent much of the day with us, and he and his family and her best friend came over for supper, gifts, and cake in the evening. Then we had a lively game of Catan with her fiancé’s two younger brothers. 😀
One of my favorite things…this rose bush, which I failed to prune last fall and has gone a bit crazy. 😉
I am creating…school schedules for the rest of the week – or I should be…
I am wearing…floral tee and jeans
I am watching…Little Dorrit with Aria and her fiancé – we’ve also watched Pride and Prejudice and Our Mutual Friend in the last few months – fun!
I am hoping…to enjoy weekly walks with his mom this summer, weather-permitting. 🙂
I am learning…about Laughter & Lament with Cindy Rollins’ Morning Time for Moms summer class, starting next week. It was a blessing last summer, so I’m looking forward to it!
In my kitchen…freshly-baked banana bread.
In the school room…a break for the little boys today – the older two had some school but not as much.
In my garden…herbs and flowers, a few strawberries, grape tomatoes hopefully ripe soon…
Post Script
The Close Reads Podcast has been helping me think through George Orwell’s 1984, which, needless to say, isn’t a pleasant book. I’m looking forward to doing Laurus and A Gentleman in Moscow with them later this year.
Shared Quote
“Of all the marks of modernity that seem to mean a kind of decadence, there is none more menacing and dangerous than the exaltation of very small and secondary matters of conduct at the expense of very great and primary ones, at the expense of eternal public and tragic human morality. If there is one thing worse than the modern weakening of major morals it is the modern strengthening of minor morals. Thus it is considered more withering to accuse a man of bad taste than of bad ethics. Cleanliness is not next to godliness nowadays, for cleanliness is made an essential and godliness is regarded as an offence.” From G.K. Chesterton’s essay On Lying in Bed (in the collection of his essays entitled In Defense of Sanity)
A moment from my day…my two oldest boys were Hamlet and King Claudius our homeschool co-op’s condensed version of Hamlet last week. Everyone did a great job!
Closing Notes
Hope your summer is lovely!
Hosted by: The Simple Woman

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