Seven Quick Takes: Spiders, Ducks and Yard Sales

Seven Quick Takes


So, we’ve got a few loose ends to tie up, but we’re done our last “official” week of our first year of Ambleside Online. It’s been a good year! There are things I want to do better in the coming year, but isn’t that always the case? Three weeks off, and then a fresh start!


Those three weeks will probably be pretty full, what with finishing up homeschool plans, home improvement projects, a visit from Grammie (my mother-in-law) and some fun outings. I hope it will be a nice end to the summer. 🙂


Our second attempt at a garage sale this year wasn’t much more successful than the first (back in June) despite the better weather. We probably need to advertise a bit more, and not have it the weekend everyone is shopping for school supplies. 😉


Mr. D has been experimenting with building structures from playing cards, but was getting frustrated when they kept falling over. So he came up with a solution: use Lego pieces to support the cards. Not sure that’s allowed in the “rules” of card house building, but it’s creative!



I love unplanned “connection-making”! Miss A finished reading The Life of the Spider on Tuesday, and  the kids “just happened” to find a spider and her web in their play house.  Of course, I encouraged Miss A to take the opportunity to make another entry in her nature journal. 🙂 We tried to find out what sort of spider it was online, but couldn’t find anything conclusive.

spider1 spider2


Another impromptu nature study opportunity came today at our church picnic. There was a large pond with many ducks right next to the picnic area, and the two little guys loved watching them. It made me laugh to see their tails sticking up when they put their heads under to eat. 😀

ducks1 ducks2



And last, but certainly not least: yesterday (I took too long to write this and “today” became “yesterday” 😛 ) was my Mom and Dad’s 40th wedding anniversary! My sister took quite a few lovely photos of them, and here is one:


Aren’t they sweet? 🙂 And yes, my Mom is wearing her wedding dress!

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